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Two Words...

Jill Heilman

Thank you. Those two words don’t seem like enough…but I owe them to so many people lately. So many that have kept my spirits lifted, as we face more medical issues with Ben. As his immune system seems to want to battle itself and weaken more in recent months – as we take him to more specialists’ appointments, hospital procedures and sick days at home. So many people have kept me upbeat raising two kids with chronic medical issues and lifted my spirits as I face another year without my sweet Halle. Those two words don’t seem like enough…but they are all I have to offer. Thank you.

Thank you for being the friend I needed when I needed you the most. Thank you for giving me a break when I desperately needed to get away from my reality. Thank you for teaching me to have fun again. Thank you for teaching me to laugh more. Thank you for giving me adult conversation. Thank you for treating me and Neeley to a trip away from home – a trip to see snow, to have snow ball fights and sled races – a trip that gave me a break that I so needed – a trip to renew my friendship with one of my dearest friends and to maintain a strong friendship between our girls that I so treasure watching flourish as they grow. Thank you for sharing your family with me, even on their 115 birthday. Thank you for letting me join your girls’ night out at a cute little pub in the middle of the first Ottawa snow storm of the season. Thank you for teaching me what it means to clean a car in that snow storm. Thank you for the wine and most of all for your time. Thank you for your friendship.

Thank you for watching the Ben (and John) for me while Neeley and I escaped to Canada. You are always there for me – even when I don’t realize I need you. Thank you for being my best friend. Thank you for letting me talk about Halle every minute I want to. Thank you for letting me cry. Thank you for keeping Ben and Neeley happy especially now, when I struggle most. Thank you for your friendship.

Thank you for taking me to Target (many times in one week) to shop for Christmas and to get my mind off reality. Thank you for letting me talk about Ben and my worries about his health and his future. Thank you for listening to me stress about Neeley and all that she is facing as a teenage girl. Thank you for letting me cry about missing Halle and hugging me when there are no words. Thank you for helping me decorate for the holidays as only you can – with laughter, tears and complete creativity. I love how we put the garland on the balcony – it really looks good. Thank you for sharing an afternoon glass of wine with me and passing no judgement. Thank you for checking in on me each morning to see how things are going. Thank you for your friendship.

Thank you for inviting John, Neeley, Ben and I over last week for a relaxing night. The kids had fun playing Mario on the Wii and John and I had a great time just relaxing in the hot tub and having a glass of wine while we talked about the holidays approaching. Thank you for sharing your sparkle with me. Thank you for your friendship.

Thank you for going out to Stonewood with me. We don’t see each other as much this year – but I know you are always there…a fellow soccer mom and friend. Thank you for giving me adult conversation and allowing me to vent when I need it to. Thank you for letting me listen to you and all that you have going on. We can keep it real and we can keep it balanced. So much give and take. Thank you for your friendship.

Thank you for going to the mall with me the other day. It was fun to get out and get a break from the sadness of what the holidays bring as I face my second year without Halle and another year for you with your mom in the nursing home. Thank you for your friendship.

Thank you ladies for coming over this week to help me make my new outdoor decorations. You did an amazing job – the red and gold garland look beautiful – but they are NOT Seminole colors. But most of all thank you for spending time with me and keeping my spirits lifted this holiday season. Thank you for keeping Halle’s name spoken and celebrated even if she is no longer with us on this earth. Thank you for your friendship.

Thank you ladies for constantly being my prayer warriors and always checking in on me, especially when I need it most. It seems God puts us on each others hearts when we need it the most. Thank you for your faithfulness and friendship…one that is genuine and pure. Thank you for your friendship.

Thank you Soccer Moms – those who make me laugh, cheer with me from the sidelines, and celebrate long game weekends with a glass of wine (or two) and some quality girl time. Thank you for raising girls that support each other and that bring out the best in each other. Thank you for your friendship.

Raising children with serious medical issues is no easy task. I have learned that on more levels than I care to share. The struggle is real. These past 16 years are some of the toughest, worst years of my life. But at the same time, they are the absolute BEST years I have EVER been given and I wouldn’t change a thing! I am truly blessed. My oldest daughter is no longer with us on this Earth – her body could not fight the battle beyond her 15 years, but her spirit lives on and I am a better person for knowing her and raising her. I continue to learn from Ben and Neeley and the challenges they continue to face.

Their journey is one that gives me Hope. Hope that we will always look to find the good in others and treasure each day as the gift that it is. Hope that we can share love and peace with one another this holiday season as we seek to find our commonalities rather than our differences. Hope that tomorrow will bring joy, unity and peace to our world. We can’t do this alone, rather we are in this together. One of the most important lessons I have learned on this journey of raising my unique children is that I am not alone. I can not do this alone.

There are so many out there that are willing to help – you just have to be willing to ask. And I have just two words for those

that are on my team: Thank You.

Thank you. Thank you all for your friendship.

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